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PTSD & Meditation

In recent years, the connection between meditation and PTSD has been rigorously studied. A 2017 study found that compassion meditation had a nearly universal impact on veterans experiencing PTSD and depression. Nearly all reported a reduction in their symptoms of both conditions. A 2016 study found that transcendental meditation reduced the need for psychotropic drugs required for PTSD and anxiety in a group of veterans. For many veterans, meditation is a way to deactivate the fight-or-flight response so common to those with PTSD. It provides them with a strategy they can use anytime, anywhere to face feelings of panic, anxiety, depression, or irritability.

Types of Meditation

There are six types of meditation that are used to bring a sense of calm and awareness to one’s body and mind. While many types have been studied relative to PTSD, all are effective at lowering heart rate, reducing anxiety, and restoring a sense of calm.

Meditation is a simple, easy way to offer a sense of control and balance to veterans struggling with PTSD. In addition to helping them return to the rest and recover phase after a fight-or-flight experience, meditation offers a safe, effective way to reclaim control over a seemingly uncontrollable condition.





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