A Dependent’s Guide to Restitution

Between 1953 and 1987 individuals at Camp Lejeune were exposed to toxic chemicals in their drinking water within both the residential and training areas of the base. The Honoring Our PACT Act of 2022, which includes elements of the former Camp Lejeune Justice Act that has now been signed into law, provides help for anyone who was on the base and affected by toxic water.

An important piece to note is that this is not a VA benefit. It is a completely separate action that can be taken. You could be eligible for help, even if you are not eligible for certain VA benefits. The CBO estimate for Camp Lejeune settlement payouts through 2031 is $6.7 Billion. The CBO also estimates that payments could increase direct spending by about $15 billion after 2031.

An individual, including a veteran (as defined in section 101 of title 38, United States Code), or the legal representative of such an individual, who resided, worked, or was otherwise exposed (including in utero exposure) for not less than 30 days during the period beginning on August 1, 1953, and ending on December 31, 1987, to water at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, that was supplied by, or on behalf of, the United States may bring an action in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina to obtain appropriate relief for harm that was caused by exposure to the water at Camp Lejeune.

Section 804 – Federal Cause of Action Relating to Water at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina

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Who Can Be Helped by This

This legislation could have a wide impact given the bill that allows any individual who was on the base for at least 30 days to take action for compensation.

  • ✅ Veterans
  • ✅ Dependents & Family of Veterans
    (spouses, children – even in utero)
  • ✅ Civilian workers and their families
  • ✅ Dependent of a deceased Veteran or civilian worker
soldier with water

Do You Believe You or Your Family Have Been Affected By Camp Lejeune’s Toxic Water?

Discuss your claim with our team today

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Why Is Hill & Ponton Different from Other Law Firms?

Unlike so many other law firms and companies looking to help with Camp Lejeune lawsuit claims, Hill & Ponton has decades of experience helping military veterans and their family with Veterans disability law cases. We know Veterans & understand the medical evidence needed to fight for VA appeals.

Our firm has been helping veterans for over 30 years to find the medical nexus to establish service connection for their disabilities. We do the same as we act as co-counsel to our partners to assist you in your Camp Lejeune case.

What to Look for in a Camp Lejeune Lawyer

Before committing to a law firm to handle your case, make sure they…

  • ✅ Understand Veterans and Military Families
  • ✅ Are accredited and able to practice law in North Carolina
  • ✅ Have experience and an extensive understanding of this bill

Affected Areas of Camp Lejeune Base Include

Camp Geiger Camp Johnson/ Montford Point Tarawa Terrace Naval Hospital Camp Lejeune Stone Bay Rifle Range Holcomb Boulevard Hadnot Point Paradise Point GreaterSandy Run Camp Lejeune OnslowBeach MCAS New River JACKSONVILLE

MCAS New River

New River is known for their aircrew training for Marine Corps helicopters. If you trained here, you could have been exposed to contaminated water.

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MCAS New River

The Marine Corps Air Station New River started as an auxiliary airfield but has evolved to become home to over 6,000 active duty marines and over 9,000 retired marines, family members, and civilians.  New River is known for their aircrew training for Marine Corps helicopters, contains the largest helicopter base on the East coast, and also currently houses the best of the best Marine aircraft including the V-22 Osprey.

Camp Geiger

If you were in infantry training and drank the water at Camp Geiger, current disabilities may be because of contaminated water.

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Camp Geiger

Camp Geiger was the first portion of the Lejeune base to be built.  In its beginning years it was known as Tent Camp, as it  was primarily made of tents that housed the 1st Marine Division.  Much has changed since those early years, but the base’s Chapel still stands to this day.  Camp Geiger hosts the US Marine Corps School of Infantry East and trains thousands of Marines every year, both infantry and non-infantry.

Camp Johnson / Montford Point

If you trained at Montford point / Camp Johnson, you were using a water distribution system that may have been contaminated.

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Montford Point/Camp Johnson

Camp Johnson was originally named Montford Point and was a segregated base for African American Marines until 1949.  In World War II, 19,168 African American Marines were recorded as serving and all of them trained at Montford Point.  This base housed the 51st and 52nd Defense Battalions, 11 ammunition companies, and 51 depot companies.  In 1974 Montford Point was renamed Camp Johnson in recognition of Gilbert Johnson, an African American drill instructor who was promoted to Sergeant Major.

Tarawa Terrace / Camp Knox

Maximum PCE level detected in drinking water was 215 ppb (1985), and was a main source of contaminated water wells. Water was mainly supplied from the Tarawa Terrace water distribution plant.

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Tarawa Terrace/Camp Knox

Tarawa Terrace was added to Camp Lejeune in 1951 as a housing area for noncommissioned officers.  The area was split into two zones that housed around 6,000 Marines and their families and also contains an elementary school, post office, supermarket, and other amenities.  Tarawa Terrace’s water-treatment plant supplied water to Tarawa Terrace family housing and Knox trailer park until it was shut down in 1987.

Camp Knox was a trailer park that provided singlewide trailers as housing to marines and their families.  This portion of base housing was adjacent to an outdoor burn dump.  This trailer park has closed.

Stone Bay/Rifle Range

The rifle range contained water distribution systems sourcing water from the main distribution plants proven to contain contaminated water.  Marines who drank water at this part of the base may have been exposed to harmful toxins.

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Stone Bay/Rifle Range

Stone Bay is home to barracks, warehouses, family housing, and the shooting ranges where Camp Lejeune Marines qualify for their shooting badges.  There is a long sniper range, two pistol ranges, and three rifle ranges.  Stone Bay has been helping Marines obtain proficiency in shooting for so long that it is eligible to be on the National Register of historic Places.

Holcomb Boulevard

Holcomb Boulevard water plant served family housing at Midway Park, Paradise Point, Berkeley Manor, and Watkins Village.

Contaminated water from the Hadnot Point plant supplied water to these areas when the Holcomb Boulevard plant was shut down in 1985.

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Holcomb Boulevard

Holcomb Boulevard is a street within Camp Lejeune.  It contains the Main Gate, Reception Center, Visitor Center, Commissary, Barber Shop, Harriotte B. Smith Library, and Legal Office.  The Holcomb Boulevard water treatment plant supplied water to family housing in Paradise Point, Berkeley Manor, Watkins Village, and Midway Park, and then to Tarawa Terrace family housing after their own water treatment plant closed in 1987.

Hadnot Point

The Hadnot Point water distribution plant served the Mainside barracks, Hospital Point family housing, and family housing at Midway Park, Paradise Point, and Berkeley Manor until June 1972.

Maximum TCE levels detected were 1,400 ppb

Many other toxins (PCE, DCE, Benzene, vinyl chloride) were also found.

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Hadnot Point

Hadnot Point was built for the 1st Marine Division.  By 1942 the base’s capacity was 42,000 Marines and family members.  This area holds barracks, Post Headquarters, Division Headquarters, supply facilities, a naval hospital, and other facilities and amenities.  The Hadnot Point water treatment plant served family housing for Hospital Point, Midway Park, Paradise Point, and Berkeley Manor, and the Mainside barracks.

Paradise Point

Paradise Point was affected by the contaminated water from both Hadnot Point and Holcomb Boulevard (mainly after HB was shut down).

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Paradise Point

Paradise Point is the primary officer’s housing area, which consists of around 500 homes.

Within the Coverage Area

Most areas of the base were provided water from one of 3 main water distribution plants, which were contaminated with harmful toxins (PCE, TCE, DCE, vinyl chloride, and benzene). See if you qualify for compensation.

See if You Qualify

Camp Lejeune – All other areas

Most areas in Camp Lejeune were affected by contaminated water from one of the main water distribution plants.

If you were present at Camp Lejeune for 30 days or more between 1953-1987, you may be eligible for compensation.

Compensation for the Camp Lejeune Water Lawsuit

This bill provides a path to remedy/awards that is very different from a traditional VA benefits path. The Honoring Our PACT Act of 2022 allows for those affected to obtain direct relief for harm that was caused by the contaminated water. 

The main difference between this bill and others relating to toxic exposure is that anyone, not just veterans, who were present on the base can file a claim. This is not run through the Veterans Benefits Administration, but instead will be an entirely separate suit.

Damages for Camp Lejeune Lawsuits

  • ✅ Medical Care
  • ✅ Lost Wages
  • ✅ Pain and Suffering
  • ✅ Declining Enjoyment of Life and Earning Capacity

Lawsuits related to Camp Lejeune are different from VA benefits in the sense that awards are open to everyone affected, not just veterans.

The Honoring Our PACT Act states the individual must have been on the base between August 1, 1953 and December 31, 1987 and spent at least 30 days in the contaminated areas.

What Could Change Your Camp Lejeune Lawsuit Award?

The legislation provides multiple offsets for awards granted from the lawsuit. This means there are some current benefits you or a family member could be receiving due to a health issue from Camp Lejeune which would decrease the amount of an award from this lawsuit.

If you are a veteran currently receiving VA benefits for service connected injuries sustained at Camp Lejeune, there will be an offset to the award based on your disability award, payment, or benefit.

There are also offsets for Medicare, Medicaid, and SSDI benefits presented in this bill.

Understand the Burden of Proof

The bill states that the burden of proof is on the party filing the action to produce evidence that the contaminated water likely caused injury.

While you may not have a direct cancer diagnosis today, there may be a potential for an illness to develop depending how much time was spent at the base. Drinking any water from the base could have serious health effects, and the Honoring Our PACT Act of 2022 gives a path to claim relief for damages.

If family members were affected by various forms of cancer or illness, it’s a possibility to develop in you as well. Fighting for ongoing health monitoring could be the greatest guard for your health.

water on hands

Statute of Limitations

The Honoring Our PACT Act has two clear statute of limitations for those considering filing an action.

  • ⚠️ Two years after the enactment of this act
  • ⚠️ 180 days after the date which the claim is denied

This means filing an action and working with a lawyer as soon as the bill is signed is extremely important. After the statute of limitations has expired, it will not be possible to claim damages.

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