If you’ve arrived at this post, we’ll assume that you’ve been directed from our new and improved weekly newsletter, The Veteran Advantage!
The Veterans Advantage is Hill & Ponton’s new exclusive community for veterans, with content you won’t get anywhere else all in an engaging weekly newsletter delivered straight to your inbox.
Some of the things you can look forward to in these upcoming installments include:
- Weekly polls/surveys to explore important topics as a community.
- VA Disability Claim Case Studies that will break down a real claim file for you in detail, showing you details you need to know – where it went right, or potentially how it went wrong
- Personalized Resources and Guides to help you with your VA disability claims process, as well as other topics of interest
- Connecting with our veteran community through exclusive interviews and stories about companies, organizations and people we think you’ll enjoy.
- Expert analysis of news-worthy decisions regarding VA disability benefits
- Important and breaking news relevant to you as a veteran.
- A community driven by veterans like you – you’ll be directly involved in helping us provide content each week. We will continue to strive to bring you the best veterans newsletter you’ll get in your inbox.
- The most up to date and accurate content on VA disability benefits.
- And much more…
Vet Poll Results – VA Disability Benefits Knowledge
Let’s dive into our first VA disability benefits knowledge. It’s time to unveil the intriguing results of our very first Vet Poll!
Each week in these polls, we ask a small number of questions to our community about an important topic concerning veterans.
While we at Hill & Ponton focus on VA disability benefits and pride ourselves in being experts in the field, we know that’s not all you care about.
So, be on the look out for other topics of interest, and be sure to let us know if you have any ideas, too!
For now, here’s a look at what we found out last week from our community. Thanks so much to everyone who participated.
Question #1 – How confident are you in your understanding of the VA disability benefits process?
Our first question to readers was about their understanding of VA disability benefits.
We asked, on a scale of 1-5 (five being the highest), how comfortable they would feel explaining this concept to a friend who wanted to understand.
As you can see, the vast majority of respondents felt at least somewhat comfortable (3) or higher, with the topic of VA disability benefits.
As a VA disability benefits firm, this is what we love to see and are happy our readers feel knowledgeable about the topic!
Question #2 – How confident are you about the concept of VA disability ratings and how they are assigned?
Our second question to readers was about their understanding of VA disability ratings and how they are assigned.
Similarly to question 1, we asked, on a scale of 1-5 (five being the highest), how comfortable they would feel explaining this concept to a friend who wanted to understand.
This seemed to be a topic that many were less familiar with and were less confident, with more than half of respondents only feeling somewhat comfortable (3) or less in their ability to convey this topic to someone else.
We completely understand and are here to help!
VA disability ratings are complex and nuanced and even those who have been working with them for years can find ourselves scratching our heads at times.
Take VA Math for example! Anyone who has dealt with that knows what we’re talking about.
If you’re interested in learning some more helpful information about VA Disability Ratings, we have a few resources you might be interested in.
Check out the links below to find out more information. We’ll be sure to delve into this topic in a future newsletter, too!
Question 3 – How often do you visit the official VA website or other reputable sources for VA disability benefits information?
We were pleased to learn that most of our readers utilize the VA website and other reputable sources for getting information about VA disability benefits. We hope to bring you some insider information about some things on the website you may not have been aware of in future, so stay tuned!
Question #4 – Have you received assistance or advice from fellow veterans or veteran support groups regarding VA disability benefits?
One of the biggest things we wanted to know from our readers this last week, was how often they sought out help from fellow veterans and support groups for information.
This is a huge reason why we’re developing a new newsletter and community for you.
Our hope is to provide a community where you can interact with other veterans and get information and knowledge you need, not only to succeed in your VA disability claims process, but also other aspects of your day-to-day lives as a veteran!
This survey is just one of the many ways we hope to foster that communal environment, and hope you continue to participate or join in with future installations!
Thank you again to everyone who participated last week. Stay tuned for future Vet Polls!
If you are interested in learning more about filing for disability benefits, check out our FREE ebook The Road to VA Compensation Benefits.