A Study on VA Benefits: Health Effects of Welding Fumes — Contributing Factors

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When looking into the health effects of welding fumes, it is important to realize that there are other contributing factors to the welding processes that cause health problems.  Welding does not only involve working with the metals themselves. Welding also includes the use of filler agents or fluxes.

Fluxes are chemical cleaning agents, flowing agents or purifying agents. In high-temperature mental joining processes (such as welding, brazing and soldering), the primary purpose of a flux is to prevent oxidation of the base and filler agents. Some fluxes (such as borax, hydrochloric acid and zinc chloride) have serious health effects if welders are exposed to them for long periods of time.

Common examples of fluxes include:

The following tables list the various health effects caused by exposure to welding fumes and gases.

Health Effects of Fumes

AluminumAlloys: Inconels, copper, zinc, steel, magnesium brass, filler materialsRespiratory Irritant
BerylliumHardening agent found in copper, magnesium, aluminum alloys and electrical contactsMetal Fume Fever – a carcinogen
Cadmium OxidesStainless steel containing cadmium or plate material, zinc alloyIrritation of respiratory system, sore and dry throat, chest pain, breathing difficultyChronic effects: kidney damage, emphysema, suspected carcinogen
ChromiumStainless steel, high alloy materials, welding rodsLung cancer, skin irritationHexavalent chromium is a carcinogen
CopperAlloys such as Monel, brass, bronze, some welding rodsAcute effects: irritation of eyes, nose, throat, nausea, metal fume fever
FluoridesCommon electrode coating, flux material for high & low alloy steelsAcute effects: irritation of eyes, nose, throatLong-term exposures: bone/joint problems
Iron OxideMajor contaminant in all iron or steel welding processesSiderosis (benign form of lung disease), irritation of nose & lungs
LeadSolder, brass and bronze alloys, primer/coating on steelsChronic effects to nervous system, kidneys, digestive system, mental capacity
ManganeseMost welding processes, especially high-tensile steelsMetal Fume Fever, central nervous system problems
NickelStainless steel, Iconel, Monel, Hastelloy, other high-alloy materialIrritation of eyes, nose, throat. Increased cancer risk. Dermatitis, lung problems
VanadiumSteel alloys, iron stainless steel, nickel alloysChronic effects: bronchitis, retinitis, fluid in lungs, pneumonia
Zinc oxidesGalvanized and painted metalMetal Fume Fever

Source: Occupation Health & Safety

Health Effects of Gases

Carbon monoxideFormed in the arcAbsorbed readily in bloodstream, causing dizziness, headaches or muscular weakness. High concentrations may result in unconsciousness or death
Hydrogen FluorideDecomposition of rod coatingsOverexposure can cause kidney, lung, bone and liver damageChronic exposure: chronic irritation of nose, throat, bronchi
Nitrogen oxideFormed in the arcChronic effects: lung problems such as emphysema
OzoneFormed in the arc, especially plasma-arc, MIG and TIG processesAcute effects: fluid in lungs, hemorrhagingChronic effects: significant changes in lung function

Source: Occupation Health & Safety

Health Effects of Acids

Hydrochloric AcidUsed as a flux for soldering, welding, brazingHas a corrosive effect; damage to respiratory organs, eyes, skin, intestines
Zinc ChlorideUsed as a flux for soldering, welding, brazingSkin & respiratory irritant; concentrations are corrosive & acidic
BoraxUsed as a flux for soldering, welding, brazingSkin & respiratory irritant; nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain; headaches, lethargy. Severe poisoning: unconsciousness, respiratory depression, renal failure

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