Bangor Air Guard Training Site

Base Background

Location Bangor, Maine, 04401, United States

Bangor Air National Guard Base, located in Bangor, Maine, is an important training and operational site for the United States Air National Guard. This facility, primarily used by the Maine Air National Guard, focuses on training and readiness for various missions. It houses the 101st Air Refueling Wing, known as the “MAINEiacs,” which operates KC-135 Stratotanker aircraft. The base plays a significant role in air refueling and support missions, contributing to both national defense and international operations. Its strategic location enhances its capability to efficiently conduct training and support missions across the Northeastern United States and beyond.

Known Toxins

The following chart outlines the toxins associated with this military location and the potential effects of exposure.*

Toxin Potential Effects
Strong Good Limited
Asbestos Potential Effects Pulmonary fibrosis, Pneumoconiosis, Pleural disease (effusions,plaques,thickening), Asbestosis Stomach cancer, Renal (kidney) cancer, Immune suppression, Autoimmune antibodies, positive ANA Ovarian cancer, Myelodysplastic syndrome, Multiple myeloma, Melanoma, Lymphoma non ­Hodgkin's, Laryngeal cancer, Colo­rectal cancer, Bladder cancer, Adult­-Onset Leukemias
Lead Potential Effects Seizures, Reduced Fertility Male (infertility and subfertility), Peripheral neuropathy, Hypertension, Gout, Developmental Delay, Decreased I.Q../Mental retardation, Decreased Coordination/ Dysequilibrium, Coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease, atherosclerosis, Cognitive impairment (includes impaired learning, impaired memory, and decreased attention span), Chronic renal disease, Behavioral problems, Anemia ­ hemolytic, ADD/ADHD, hyperactivity, Abnormal sperm (morphology, motility, and sperm count) Reduced Fertility ­ Female (infertility and subfertility), Psychiatric disturbances, Pre­term delivery, Porphyria ­ toxic, Pancreatic cancer, Nephrotic syndrome, Low birth weight/Small for Gestational Age, Immune suppression, Hearing loss, Glomerulonephritis, Fetotoxicity (Miscarriage/spontaneous abortion; stillbirth), Delayed growth, Cardiomyopathy, Arrhythmias, Altered time to sexual maturation (accelerated or delayed puberty) Wilm's Tumor, Uterine cancer, Thyroid disorders ­Hypothyroidism, Stomach cancer, Reduced Fertility Male (infertility and subfertility), Osteoporosis, Neurosthenia (Organic affective syndrome), Lung cancer, Hepatocellular cancer (Liver cancer), Erectile dysfunction, Diabetes ­ Type II, Congenital malformation Cranio­ Facial, Colo­rectal cancer, Carcinoid, Breast cancer, Brain cancer ­adult, Bladder cancer, Alzheimer's, Altered time to sexual maturation (accelerated or delayed puberty), ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease), Abnormal sperm (morphology, motility, and sperm count)
Perchloroethylene (PCE) Potential Effects - - -
PFAS (Firefighting Foam) Potential Effects - - Testicular cancer, Renal (kidney) cancer, Prostate cancer
Polychlorinated Byphenyls (PCBs) Potential Effects Thyroid disorders ­Hypothyroidism, Porphyria ­ toxic, Developmental Delay, Decreased I.Q../Mental retardation, Cirrhosis, Chloracne, Behavioral problems, ADD/ADHD, hyperactivity Peripheral neuropathy, Pancreatic cancer, Menstrual disorders, Lymphoma non ­Hodgkin's, Low birth weight/Small for Gestational Age, Immune suppression, Hepatocellular cancer (Liver cancer), Dyslipidemia, hypercholesterolemia, Delayed growth, Congenital malformation Cranio­ Facial, Cognitive impairment (includes impaired learning, impaired memory, and decreased attention span), Bronchitis ­ chronic, Acute hepatocellular injury (Hepatitis), Abnormal sperm (morphology, motility, and sperm count) Testicular cancer, Reduced Fertility ­ Female (infertility and subfertility), Parkinson's disease/Movement disorders, Hypoactivity, Hypertension, Hyperkeratosis/Hyperpigmentation, Hearing loss, Endometriosis, Diabetes ­ Type I, Breast cancer, Bone cancer/Ewings sarcoma, Altered time to sexual maturation (accelerated or delayed puberty), Altered sex ratio