McEntire Joint National Guard Base

Base Background

Location 103, James Crossing Road, Hopkins, South Carolina, 29061, United States
Years of Operation 1943-Present

McEntire Air National Guard Base is home to the 245th Air Traffic Control Squadron and 169th Fighter Wing. The base provides air-to-air and air-to-ground mission support worldwide. They also perform air traffic control and fighter missions.

Known Toxins

The following chart outlines the toxins associated with this military location and the potential effects of exposure.*

Toxin Potential Effects
Strong Good Limited
PFAS (Firefighting Foam) Potential Effects - - Testicular cancer, Renal (kidney) cancer, Prostate cancer

If you were stationed at McEntire Joint Air National Guard Base and later experienced adverse health effects, you may be eligible for compensation.

*Effects are according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry unless otherwise noted.