What is the Difference Between Flexion and Extension? A Guide for Veterans with Knee Disabilities

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Flexion Knee

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Chances are, if you are a veteran who is suffering from a knee-related injury, you have heard the terms “flexion” and “extension.” 

These are movements that occur at the knee joint and are crucial for everyday mobility. 

Simply put–flexion refers to bending the knee vs extension refers to straightening the knee.

Want to know why these are so important for your VA disability claim? Read on!

What’s the difference between Flexion and Extension?

As mentioned above, in a nutshell, it’s just words referencing movements of the knee, but they’re a little more complicated than that when it comes to your claims.

Knee Flexion Definition and Examples

Knee Flexion happens when you bend your knee. 

For example, like when you’re sitting down or trying to climb a flight of stairs. 

This movement is essential for many daily activities that require you to decrease the distance between your thigh and your calf.

Knee Extension Definition and Examples

Knee extension occurs when you straighten your knee out.

For example, like when you’re standing up from a chair, or start walking.

This action is fundamental for maintaining a stable, upright posture and for movements that involve the leg extending away from the body.

It’s also important to note that extension relates to a correct posture, implying that if you have issues with extension, it could be directly impacting your back, leading to spinal conditions.

Why do these movements matter?

Restricted flexion or extension can significantly impact your ability to perform everyday tasks, as mentioned above.

Knowing the difference and how these movements work helps manage your symptoms, communicate effectively with medical professionals and at a C&P exam, and can help you understand how the VA rates your disability better. 

These terms consistently come up in medical evaluations, so they’re important to understand. 

What are common knee problems in veterans?

Orthopedic conditions are the most common type of VA disability claims filed, and knee problems are among them. 

Issues like arthritis, tendonitis and ligament issues are all reported frequently, and can affect both flexion and extension.

These conditions often lead to pain and reduced mobility.

For more information on knee conditions and managing them, visit our full guide on knee disabilities here.

Cassandra Crosby, an Accredited Agent and claims advocate for Matthew Hill & Shelly Mark’s teams, reviewed the information provided in this post.

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    Thank you to the firm of Hill & Ponton!! Brian Hill and his staff were able to get my 100% disability with the VA for my exposure to herbicides in Thailand. I have been fighting for this for many years and kept getting denied, after consulting with Hill & Ponton I decided to let them help me and it was the best decision I could have made. I found their professionalism to be outstanding.

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    They got my disability rating after I was denied twice. They knew exactly how to format and submit the claim. I was rated 50%, Hill & Ponton weren’t done, they found other medical that related to exposure and submitted additional claims. I could not have received a disability rating without Hill & Ponton. If you need help, choose Hill & Ponton.

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    As a Vet you may have filed a disability claim, and if you want to win your claim you need to call Hill and Ponton. I didn’t know what to do about my condition or status until I made the call. At H&P they not only took my case, but made me feel like family. They changed my life and they will change your life too. It’s true! In my opinion you can’t do better and you won’t regret it!

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