
Aberdeen Proving Ground

Base Background

Location Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, 21005, United States
Years of Operation 1917-Present

The military established the 72,000-acre Aberdeen Proving Ground as a direct result of World War I in 1917. The main mission of the site was to test ammunition, artillery weapons, air defense guns, trench mortars, and railway artillery. Personnel on the base took on a developmental role over the next decades, creating and testing weapons, automotive products, and armor. This location continues to be a hub of military research, science, and technology today.

Known Toxins

The following chart outlines the toxins associated with this military location and the potential effects of exposure.*

Toxin Potential Effects
Strong Good Limited
Heavy metals (misc.) Potential Effects Pneumonitis hypersensitivity - Multiple myeloma, Chronic renal disease
Pesticides/Insecticides Potential Effects Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Contact dermatitis ­ Irritant, Contact dermatitis ­ Allergic Testicular cancer, Renal (kidney) cancer, Porphyria ­ toxic, Photosensitivity, Parkinson's disease/Movement disorders, Myelodysplastic syndrome, Multiple myeloma, Childhood Leukemias, Bone cancer/Ewings sarcoma Wilm's Tumor, Vasculitis, Thyroid disorders ­Hypothyroidism, Thyroid cancer, Thrombocytopenic purpura, Soft tissue sarcoma, Rheumatoid arthritis, Retinoblastoma, Pneumonia, Melanoma, Laryngeal cancer, Esophageal cancer, Congenital malformations ­ general, Cirrhosis, Cervical cancer, Bronchitis ­ chronic, Bronchitis ­ acute, Alzheimer's, ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease)
Polychlorinated Byphenyls (PCBs) Potential Effects Thyroid disorders ­Hypothyroidism, Porphyria ­ toxic, Developmental Delay, Decreased I.Q../Mental retardation, Cirrhosis, Chloracne, Behavioral problems, ADD/ADHD, hyperactivity Peripheral neuropathy, Pancreatic cancer, Menstrual disorders, Lymphoma non ­Hodgkin's, Low birth weight/Small for Gestational Age, Immune suppression, Hepatocellular cancer (Liver cancer), Dyslipidemia, hypercholesterolemia, Delayed growth, Congenital malformation Cranio­ Facial, Cognitive impairment (includes impaired learning, impaired memory, and decreased attention span), Bronchitis ­ chronic, Acute hepatocellular injury (Hepatitis), Abnormal sperm (morphology, motility, and sperm count) Testicular cancer, Reduced Fertility ­ Female (infertility and subfertility), Parkinson's disease/Movement disorders, Hypoactivity, Hypertension, Hyperkeratosis/Hyperpigmentation, Hearing loss, Endometriosis, Diabetes ­ Type I, Breast cancer, Bone cancer/Ewings sarcoma, Altered time to sexual maturation (accelerated or delayed puberty), Altered sex ratio
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) Potential Effects Rhinitis ­ irritant - -
White phosphorus Potential Effects - - -

If you were stationed at Aberdeen Proving Ground, you may be eligible for compensation for health conditions connected to toxic exposure.

*Effects are according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry unless otherwise noted.